Foundations of Science, a collaborative project between the Smart Sparrow Learning Design Studio, ACTNext by ACT, Inc., and Arizona State University, has been announced as a finalist in the Algorithm for Change Competition!

The Algorithm for Change competition has been presented by the NYU Social Entrepreneurship Program. It calls for projects that bring the possibilities of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to teaching and learning in higher education, for the purpose of helping low income, underrepresented minority, and first generation (LIMFG) students get to and through college.

Through collaborative projects such as these — combining the power of a leading university in learning innovation, cutting-edge education technology, and researchers working on innovative solutions that advance individuals throughout their lifetimes — we hope to close achievement gaps, improve educational equity, and smooth the pathways from postsecondary education into the workforce for all learners.

About the ‘Foundations of Science’ project

Smart Sparrow is on a mission to empower education. Our Courseware Development Platform puts the controls for digital learning technology in the hands of educators, who have used our tools to create more than 20,000 unique learning experiences. Instructors maintain complete pedagogical freedom while incorporating adaptive and personalized learning technology into their teaching.

Now, in partnership with ACTNext by ACT, Inc. and Arizona State University, the Foundations of Science project will combine custom authoring, analytics, artificial intelligence, & machine learning to surface more data-driven insights into student learning patterns and performance for science educators. Our driving goal is to enable instructors to continually improve their courses and assist more at-risk learners, faster — so every student receives the best education possible.

Hear the finalist pitches next week

Pitches of the finalist projects will be open for the public to join for free. Book your tickets to join us next week on Thursday, July 12 at 1 PM in New York City.

Read more on Algorithm for Change in the full press release >